Thursday, October 6, 2011

Explorer Day

Randy is so excited he can't wait. Tomorrow is Explorer Day. He has an eye patch he is going to wear.

Randy rides in a Limo

On October 5, Randy got to ride in a real Limo. Randy went in the Limo with Leighanna and Luke. Both kids were drawn out to ride and have lunch at Chick fil a. for helping our school raise money for new technology. Way to go! Randy helped them order and clean up after themselves. Randy is loving life here in Alabama.

RakemUp Randy Learns about Indians

On October 1, Randy learned about different Indian tribes in class. He learned about how the Indians dressed, how they helped each other to be successful, and what they used to survive. Randy even took pictures with some of the Indian dolls. I will upload pictures of th is soon.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Randy Helps at MES

Randy helps in the library
Today I visited the MES school library and helped students check out books and find books.

Randy helps someone check out a book

Randy Putting Words Away

I also helped Mrs. T Smith, a first grade teacher, prepare for her class. We put flash card words in bags for each of her students.

High Five Randy

When we finished I gave everyone a round of high 5s. We all did a great job working as a team!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hello Everyone

My name is RAKem Up Randy.

I was made in Carlisle, PA and my job is to travel around the US learning about Random Acts of Kindness and about being kind to others. I hope to teach others about "RAKing Them Up" in different ways such as cleaning up a park or helping someone in need. Along my travels, I will share what I'm learning about on his blog and Flickr.

My visit to you will last about  one week, but before I leave, I hope that you will put something from our travels or your school in my backpack so I can keep it as a memento of my visit.

To sign up to have me come visit you, please visit my website at

See you soon,